
Project Around Taiwan Part 2

I live near by Mangrove Conservation Area in Danshui, New Taipei City. From a trip around Taiwan, I would like to know more about the living environment around me.

Last September, I planned a trip around Taiwan and visited 3 wetlands in Taipei and 4 more in Tainan, Hualien, and Yunlin. The trip was detoured because all the trains cancelled from Hualien to Tainan due to a typhoon was in south and east of Taiwan. I did not manage to visit Taijiang National Park in Tainan.

This August and before my around the world trip, I decided to completed my unfinished journey around Taiwan. I spent 3 days visiting Tainan and Taitong. This second trip around Taiwan was absolutely wonderful. I saw the beautiful sunset, the vast ocean, and majestic mountain ranges. Formosa, my beautiful country and island.

我住在近淡水紅樹林. 藉由環島, 看看及發現台灣溼地的美.

去年九月, 計畫了一個環島溼地之旅, 拜訪了花蓮的馬太鞍溼地, 要前往台南的台江國家公園時, 遇上颱風來攪局, 讓鐵公路停駛, 所以僅完成台北, 花蓮, 及雲林的行程. 今年8月, 在我的環球計畫前, 去了趟台南台江國家公園及四草國際級濕地及台東, 完成了去年未完成的部分, 也以三天的時間做了迷你版的環島旅行.